
  • Languages:Spanish, English.
  • Age Range: 30-40
  • Height: 1.87
  • Skills: Actor, Cabaret actor, Dubbing, Singer, Baritone medium level, Accordionist medium level, Juggling baritone medium level, Accordionist medium level, Notions of juggling, Handling Latin American accents (Argentine, Colombian, Cuban).
  • Sports: Principles of contemporary dance, Principles of aerial acrobatics, Swimming, Cycling, Notions of urban skating, Notions of horseback riding.
  • Driving (permanent license type A): Standard and automatic vehicle. Motorbike.

Degree in Dramatic Literature and Theater by the FFyL - UNAM.(2007-11).
XI Generation of the Diploma "La sabiduría de la voz y la palabra diciente" of the INBA-CEUVOZ (2013). Specializing in accordion EIA3-INBA (2014-18).